Posted on the journal site for open access on July 18, 2024 |
Biology inspired models in management decision making |
Decision-Making in Healthcare Resources Optimal Management: the Case of Inpatient Bed Occupancy and Associated Costs Smaranda Belciug, Florin Gheorghe Filip, Mihai Florin Filip | 16.05.2024 | pp.155-174 |
Artificial intelligence |
Novel feature selection method for accurate breast cancer classification using Correlation coefficient and Modified GWO Algorithm Ali Mezaghrani, Mohammed Debakla, Khalifa Djemal | 02.05.2024 | pp.175-198 |
Deep Learning Method for Multi-Attribute Analysis of Fingerprint Images Diptadip Maiti, Madhuchhanda Basak, Debashis Das | 18.03.2024 | pp.199-222 |
Machine Learning and Sound Processing in Vocal Disease Detection Mihai-Andrei Costandache | 27.06.2024 | pp.223-241 |
Image processing |
Forensic-Based Investigation approach for an enhanced robust and secure image watermarking schemes Najia Trache, Mohammed Salem, Mohamed Fayçel Khelfi | 29.02.2024 | pp.242-261 |
Computer system organization |
DPoSEB: Delegated Proof of Stake with Exponential Backoff Consensus Algorithm for Ethereum Blockchain Narayan D. G., Naveen Arali, R. Tejas | 27.05.2024 | pp.262-288 |
Data encryption and Theory of computing |
Cryptanalysis of the cryptosystems based on the generalized hidden discrete logarithm problem Yanlong Ma | 03.04.2024 | pp.289-307 |