Authors: Horatiu Dragomirescu, Florin Gheorghe Filip
Keywords: Information Society, new and emerging IT, vision, stakeholders, concertation
The steering of the information society development at country level is a desideratum for the smooth unfolding of the respective societal change - nowadays a key issue worldwide for scientific research and public governance. Some possible guidelines are presented on how to come up with a vision shared by stakeholders and how to ensure concertation among them along the way.
Horaţiu Dragomirescu
Bucharest University of Economic Studies - ASE,
Piata Romana 6,
Bucharest, Romania
Florin Gheorghe Filip
Romanian Academy, BAR & INCE, Calea Victoriei 125,
Bucharest, Romania
ICI Bd. Averescu 8-10, Bucharest, Romania
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