Degrees: | PhD, Docent | Function: | Director |
Date of birth: | April 3, 1977 | Publications: | 25 | Foreign languages: | Russian, English | Phone: | 72-70-35 | Email: | |
Research interests
Modeling of distributed systems, Petri nets, timed Petri nets
Important publications
- Improving augmented reality experiences for application development.
Inga Titchiev, Olesea Caftanatov, Dan Talambuta, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems (WIIS2023), October 19-21, 2023, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 224232, 2023. - Information Systems WIIS2023.
Titchiev, I; Cojocaru, S.; Gaindric, C.. October 19-21, 2023, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Chişinău: Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Moldova State University, 2023, 244 p. ISBN 978-9975-68492-7 - Developing augmented artifacts based on learning style approach.
O. Caftanatov, I. Titchiev, V. Iamandi, D. Talambuta, D. Caganovschi, Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2022, October 06-08, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 89 – 103, ISBN 978-9975-68-461-3 - Intelligent information systems for solving weakly-structured problems, processing knowledge and big data.
S. Cojocaru, C. Gaindric, I. Tițchiev, T. Verlan, Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science. 150 ex. ISBN 978-9975-68-462-0. - Analiza caracteristicilor sistemelor de management al învățării.
Țițchiev, I.; Iamandi, V., revista Akademos Nr. 3 (62), 2021, 113-119. ISSN 1857-0461 - Petri nets for e-learning.
Titchiev, I. Case study. In: Acta et commentationes (Ştiinţe Exacte și ale Naturii). Revistă Științifică, Vol 12 No 2 (2021), pp. 104-110, Chișinău, 2021, ISSN 2537-6284, Categoria B - Some approaches and solutions in decisions making for processing ill-structured data and knowledge.
Titchiev, I. Gaindric, C. ROMAI Journal, vol 17, no 1, pp.137-149, 2021, ISSN(P) 1841-5512, ISSN(E) 2065-7714 - Parallel architecture and software by workflow Petri nets
Titchiev, I., Proceedings WIIS2020, Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems, December 04-05, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 190-195. ISBN 978-9975-4237-0-0 - „Aspecte didactice privind formarea profesorilor școlari de informatică”
Ţițchiev, I.; Vascan, T; Țurcanu, L., suport metodic, Chișinău, 2020, Tipografia ”Valinex”, 231 p., ISBN 978-9975-68-404-0 - Теоретические Аспекты Использования Дистанционных Образовательных Технологий.
Балан, Л. А.; Тягульская, Л. А.; Руссу, А. Н.; Цицкиев, И. И.; Ляху, А. А.; Гарбузняк, Е. С.; Подолян, А. С.; Сташкова, О. В. Коллективная Монография. Приднестр. гос. ун-т им. Т.Г. Шевченко, Рыбниц. филиал – Рыбница, 2020 (Tipogr. ”Valinex”). – 300 с. (в обл.), Chisinau, Republica Moldova, 111-135. ISBN 978-9975-68-373-9. - Application of Petri nets in logical problems solving.
Titchiev Inga. In: Acta et commentationes (Ştiinţe Exacte și ale Naturii). Revistă Științifică, nr. 2(8), 103-110, Chișinău, 2019, ISSN 2537-6284. - Aplicarea Rețelelor Petri la rezolvarea problemelor de logică/ APPLICATION OF PETRI NETS IN LOGICAL PROBLEMS SOLVING
Titchiev, I., Acta et Commentationes. Științe Exacte și ale Naturii. Revistă Științifică, Nr.2(8), pp.103-110, Chișinău, 2019, ISSN 2537-6284, doi.org/10.36120/2587-3644.v8i2.103-110 - Petri nets approach to solve logical problems
Titchiev, I., Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the foundation of the Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, IMCS-55, September 28-October 1, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 331-334. ISBN 978-9975-68-378-4. - Opportunities for phone account recharging from card using the possibilities offered by optical character recognition
Cosneanu, C.; Titchiev, I., Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics, MFOI’2019, July 3-6, 2019, Iasi, Romania, 373-378. ISBN 978-606-714-481-9. - ”Tehnologii de învățământ la distanță: realizări și provocări”
Țițchiev, I.; Balan, L., revista Akademos Nr. 4 (51), 2018, 137-140. ISSN 1857-0461 - ”Modeling of the movement of human flows in the process of evacuation from multi-storey buildings by Hierarhical Petri Nets”.
Titchiev I.. Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics, MFOI’2018, July 2-6, 2018, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 259-264. ISBN 978-9975-4237-7-9. - An approache to ensure the safe evacuation of people from multy storey building in case of disaster modeled by Hierarhical Petri Nets.
Titchiev I.. International Conference on Mathematics, Informatics and Information Technologies dedicated to the illustrious scientist Valentin Belousov, 19-21 april, 2018, Bălți, Republic of Moldova, pp. 170-171. ISBN 978-9975-3214-7-1. - Abordări privind atenuarea dezastrelor prin utilizarea rețelelor Petri ierarhice/ Disaster mitigation approaches using hierarchical Petri nets.
Titchiev I.. Acta et Commentationes. Științe Exacte și ale Naturii. Revistă Științifică, Nr.2(4), pp.131-137, Chișinău, 2017, ISSN 2537-6284. - Disaster response by simulation using GSPNs.
Titchiev I.. Proceedings of The Fourth Conference of Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova, dedicated to the centenary of Vladimir Andrunachievici (1917-1997) (CMSM4), June 28 – July 2, 2017, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 543-546. ISBN 978-9975-71-915-5. - Approaches to the modeling of the movement of human flows by HLPNs in case of disaster.
Titchiev I.. Proceedings of the Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics (MFOI-2017), November 9-11, 2017, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 175-179. ISBN 978-9975-4237-6-2. - Scenario Analysis Related to the Field of Social Disasters by means of High Level Petri Nets.
Titchiev I.. Proceedings of the 19-th International Conference System Analysis and Information Technology (SAIT 2017), May 22 – May 25, 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine, pp. 34-35, ISBN 978-966-2748-93-2. - Quantitative and qualitative analysis of evacuation system by using GSPNs.
Titchiev I.. ROMAI Journal, vol 12, no 2, pp.173-178, 2016, ISSN 1841-5512, ISSN 2065-7714. - "Adapting Tools for Text Monitoring and for Scenario Analysis Related to the Field of Social Disasters"
Cojocaru S., Petic M., Titchiev I.. in the proceedings of The 18th International Conference on Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (ICCSEE 2016), October 6-7, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 886-892. - Performance evaluation of the evacuation system by Generalized Stochastic Petri nets.
Titchiev I.. Proceedings of the Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics (MFOI-2016), July 25-31, 2016, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 333-338. - Modelling and verification of evacuation system using Time Petri nets in case of disaster.
Titchiev I.. Proceedings of the 18-th International Conference System Analysis and Information Technology (SAIT 2016), May 30 – June 2, 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine, pp. 46-47. - Petri nets to model disaster prevention.
Titchiev I.. Proceedings of the Workshop on Foundations of Informatics (FOI-2015), August 24-29, 2015, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 445-449. - Opportunities for processing of images using OpenCV.
Titchiev I., Macari V., Petic M.. The 3th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems and Technologies (AIST 2014), May 14-16, Sumy, Ukraine, 2014 (On-line). - Opportunities for Object Detection using Haar Feature-based Cascade Classifier algorithm.
Titchiev I., Petic M., Horos Gr.. In: Proceeding of THE THIRD CONFERENCE OF MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA 2014, August 19-23, 2014, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 563-566. - Oportunităţi de utilizare a calculelor distribuite în prelucrarea imaginilor.
Titchiev I., Petic M., Horos Gr.. In: Proceeding of the 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROELECTRONICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, Chişinău, Moldova, October 22-25, 2014, pp. 310-313. - Some aspects of studying of High Performance Technologies by Moldavian young researchers.
M. Petic, I. Titchiev, I. Frinea, N. Iliuha, V. Macari. 6th International Academic Conference of Young Scientists "Computer Science and Engineering 2013" (CSE-2013), Lviv, Ukraine, November 21-23, 2013 (CD). - Rising Skill of young researches of Moldova in using High Performance Technologies.
I. Titchiev, N. Iliuha. Proceedings of the Conference “Computer Science and Information Technologies” (CSIT2013), Yerevan, Armenia, 23-27 September 2013, ISBN 978-5-8080-0797-0, pp. 423-424. - Workflow Petri nets used in Modeling of parallel architectures.
I. Titchiev, N. Iliuha, M. Petic. Proceedings of the International Conference “Intelligent Information Systems” (IIS2013), Chisinau, Moldova, 20-23 August 2013, ISBN 978-9975-4237-1-7, pp. 163-167. - Modeling of the Communication Protocol by Means of Colored Petri Nets.
I. Ţiţchiev, Proceedings of "International Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems", September 13-14, 2011, Chisinau, pp. 203-206, ISBN 978-9975-4237-0-0. - Determining best-case and worst-case times of unknown path in time workflow nets.
I. Camerzan, Computer Science Journal of Moldova, nr. 1(52), vol. 18, 2010, Kishinev, pp. 59-69. - Verification of system nets.
I. Camerzan, International Conference on „Microelectronics and Computer Science”,
October 1-3, 2009, pp. 280-282. - On Soundness for Time Workflow Nets.
I. Camerzan, Computer Science Journal of Moldova, nr. 1(43), vol.15, 2007, Kishinev, pp. 74-87. - On the non-isomorphic quasigroups.
L. Chiriac, N. Bobeica, S. Guzun, I. Camerzan, C. Gainaru, The XIV Conference on Applied and
Industrial Mathematics (CAIM XIV), August 17-19, 2006, pp.114-115. - Time Interval Workflow Nets.
T. Jucan, O. Prisecaru, I. Camerzan, Scientific Annals of the "Al. I. Cuza" University, Computer
Science Section, Tome XV, Iasi, 2005, pp.77-92.
Membership in Societies and Editorial Boards
- Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova.
Publications in Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica and Quasigroups and Related Systems