IMI/Publicaţii/QRS/Ediţii/QRS v.12, n.1 (12), 2004/

Spurious multiplicative group of GF(pm): a new tool for cryptography

Authors: C. Koscielny


An unconventional approach to cryptography, consisting in application of an algebraic structure, called spurious multiplication group of GF(pm) and denoted as SMG(pm), the operation table of which is not, in general, a Latin square, has been presented. This algebraic system is a natural generalization of the multiplicative group of GF(pm), so, one can operate on elements of these two structures using the same routine or the same hardware. On the basis of SMG(pm) many strong symmetric-key ciphers, and at least, as it is shown in the paper, one public-key cipher, can be built.

C. Koscielny
Academy of Management in Legnica,
Faculty of Computer Science,
ul. Reymonta 21,
59-220 Legnica,


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