IMI/Publicaţii/CSJM/Ediţii/CSJM v.2, n.2 (5), 1994/

Hybrid technology for collective expertise

Authors: G. Ginkul, V. Levchenco, Yu. Pechersky, E.Rotari


This paper outlines a new automatizated technology for collective expertise. The technology provides flexible framework of collective expertise, allows to bring it into accord with the Decision Making Person's conception of the problem, ensures alternative abilities for examination and interpretation of obtained expert information. Information about basic components of the instrumental system for collective expertise KIOT-1 is presented.

G. Ginkul, V. Levchenco,
Yu. Pechersky, E. Rotari,
Institute of Mathematics,
Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence Systems,
Academy of Sciences, Moldova
5, Academiei str., Kishinev,
277028, Moldova
Phone: (373+2) 73-81-30
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