Computer system organization |
Configuration of local area network set of servers Ion Bolun, Anatol Ciumac | 25.04.2002 | pp.99-124 |
Discrete mathematics |
Discrete Control Processes, Dynamic Games and Multicriterion Control Lozovanu Dmitrii | 30.04.2002 | pp.125-135 |
Sensitivity analysis of efficient solution in vector MINMAX boolean programming problem Vladimir A. Emelichev, Vitaly N. Krichko, Yury V. Nikulin | 30.04.2002 | pp.136-142 |
Artificial intelligence |
The Analysis of Experimental Results of Reinforcement Learning Systems Jaroslav E. Poliscuk | 12.04.2002 | pp.143-168 |
Hints About Some Baseful but Indispensable Elements in Speech Recognition and Reconstruction Mihaela Costin, Marius Zbancioc | 29.04.2002 | pp.169-189 |
Theory of computing |
Experimental functional realization of attribute grammar system I.Attali, Ciubotaru Constantin, N.Meergus | 02.04.2002 | pp.190-215 |
Software |
Network version of the computer algebra system bergman Cojocaru Svetlana, Colesnicov Alexandru, Malahov Ludmila | 15.05.2002 | pp.216-222 |
Data encryption |
Fault-based analysis of flexible ciphers V.I.Korjik, A.Mukherjii, M.A.Eremeev, N.A.Moldovyan | 04.04.2002 | pp.223-236 |
Numerical analysis |
One class of simply periodic motions of a heavy solid with a fixed point R.Puya | 26.04.2002 | pp.237-241 |
Chronicle |
Post-graduate Studies in Mathematics and Computer Science Proposed by the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova
| | pp.243-244 |