Transversals in loops. 3. Loop transversals Cuzneţov Eugeniu | pp.3-14 |
Spectra of semimodules Reza Ebrahimi Atani, Shahabaddin Ebrahimi Atani | pp.15-28 |
A Generalization of Hardy-Hilbert's Inequality for Non-homogeneous Kernel Namita Das, Srinibas Sahoo | pp.29-44 |
Topologies on Specg(M) Ahmad Yousefian Darani | pp.45-53 |
Vague Lie Ideals of Lie Algebras D. R. Prince Williams, Arsham Borumand Saeid | pp.54-68 |
On conjugate sets of quasigroups Tatiana Popovich | pp.69-76 |
Categorial aspects of the semireflexivity Dumitru Botnaru, Olga Cerbu | pp.77-83 |
Inclusion Radii for the Zeros of Special Polynomials Matthias Dehmer | pp.84-90 |
On LCA groups whose rings of continuous endomorphisms have at most two non-trivial closed ideals. I Popa Valeriu | pp.91-107 |
Semilattices of r-archimedean subdimonoids Anatolii V. Zhuchok | pp.108-112 |