Bol-Moufang groupoids of order three up to isomorphisms. V. V. Demidova, V. D. Chernov, N. N. Malyutina, V. A. Shcherbacov, I. N. Svediuc, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems (WIIS2023), October 19-21, 2023, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 111-114, 2023.
Schroder T-quasigroups. Shcherbacov, V. A ., arXiv:2206.12844, 2022, 13 p.
T-quasigroups with Stein 3-rd law. Shcherbacov, V., Shvedyuk, I., Malyutina, N., Proceedings WIIS2022, Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science October 6-8, 2022, Chisinau, p. 172-176.
Simple Stein medial quasigroups. Shcherbacov, V., Demidova, V., Radilov, P. Simple Stein medial quasigroups. Proceedings WIIS2022, Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science October 6-8, 2022, Chisinau, p. 167-171.
Identities and generalized derivatives of quasigroups. Horosh, G., Malyutina, N., Scerbacova, A., Shcherbacov, V. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, vol.30, no.2(89), 2022, pp.170-186.
An Analogue of the ElGamal Scheme. Nadeghda Malyutina, Victor Shcherbacov. Based on the Markovski Algorithm, ROMAI JOURNAL, Volume 17, no. 1, (2021), 105-114.
Quasigroups, Units and Belousov's Problem # 18 A. Krapez and V. A. Shcherbacov., Armen. J. Math., V. 11, N. 9, 2019, p. 1–27.
Elements of Quasigroup Theory and Applications. Victor Shcherbacov, Taylor and Francis Group, CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, New York, 2017, 576 pages. ISBN 9781498721554 - CAT K25591.
Quasigroup based crypto-algorithms. Victor Shcherbacov, arhiv: 1110.6591v1, 2012, 23 pages.
Digital signature and secret-sharing schemes. G. B. Belyavskaya, V. I. Izbash, N. A. Moldovyan, V. A. Shcherbacov, Conferinta Nationala "Cercetarea si inovarea in parteneriat cu mediul de afaceri", Chisinau, November 10, 2011, 159-164.
On some quasigroup cryptographical primitives. Piroska Csorgo, Victor Shcherbacov, arXiv:1110.6591v1, 2011, 11 pages.
Galina B. Belyavskaya's 70th birthday. W. A. Dudek and V. Shcherbacov, Quasigroups and related systems vol.18, 2010, No. 2, p. 105-112.
Cheban loops. J. D. Phillips and V. A. Shcherbacov, Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications, Vol. 4, 2010, Article ID G100501, 5 pages, doi: 10.4303/jglta/G100501.
On the structure of finite paramedial quasigroups. V. A. Shcherbacov, D. I. Pushkashu, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. vol. 51, no. 2, 2010, 357-370.
Quasigroups in cryptology. V. A. Shcherbacov, Computer Science Journal of Moldova, vol.17, no. 2(50), 2009, 193–228.
On congruences of groupoids closely connected with quasigroups. V. A. Shcherbacov, A. Kh. Tabarov, D. I. Puscasu, Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2009. Vol. 163, No. 6, 785-795.
Примитивы цифровой подписи: конечныe группы с трехмерной цикличностью. Щербаков В. А., Костинa А. А., Молдовянy П. А., Молдовян Н. А., Вопросы защиты информации. 2009, номеp 3, с. 9-15.
On the structure of left and right F-, SM-, and E-quasigroups. Victor Shcherbacov, Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications, Vol. 3, 2009, No. 3, 197-259.
0 конгруэнциях группоидов, тесно связанных c квазигруппами. В. A. Щербаков, А. Х. Табаров, Д. И. Пушкашу, Фундамент. M прикл. матем., 14:5 (2008), 237-251.
Despre quasigrupuri liniare şi inverse şi aplicarea lor în teoria codurilor. Victor Şcerbacov, Teza de doctor habilitat în ştiinţe fizico-matematice, Chişinău, 2008.
On Bruck-Belousov problem. Victor Shcherbacov. Buletinul AS RM. Matematica. No 3(49), 2005, p. 123-140.
Quasigroups with an inverse property and generalized parastrophic identities. A. D. Keedwell and V. A. Shcherbacov. Quasigroups and related systems, 13, 2005, p. 109-124.
On structure of finite n-ary medial quasigroups and automorphism groups of these quasigroups. V. A. Shcherbacov. Quasigroups and related systems, 13, 2005, p. 125-156
On simple n-ary medial quasigroups. Victor Shcherbacov. Proceedings of Conference "Computational Commutative and Non-Commutative Algebraic Geometry", NATO Science Series: Computer and Systems Sciences, Edited by S. Cojocaru, G. Pfister and V. Ufnarovski, IOS Press, V. 196, 2005, p. 305--324.
On orthogonality of binary operations and squares. G.L. Mullen, V.A. Shcherbacov. Buletinul AS RM. Matematica. No 2(48), 2005, p. 3-42.
Construction and properties of (r,s,t)-inverse quasigroups. A.D. Keedwell, V.A. Shcherbacov. I, Discrete Math., V. 266, No. 1-3, 2003, p. 275-291.
Properties of codes with one check symbol from a quasigroup point of view. Gary L. Mullen, V.A. Shcherbacov. Buletinul AS RM. Matematica. No 3, 2002, p. 71-86.
On quasigroups with Moufang identity. V. Shcherbacov, V. Izbash. Buletinul AS RM. Matematica. No 2, 1998, p. 109-116.
Apartenenţa la societăţi, redacţii
Societatea Matematică din Republica Moldova (SMRM).
Membru al comitetului de redacţie a revistei "Quasigroups and Related Systems".
Membru al comitetului de redacţie a revistei "Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications".
Publicaţii în Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica şi Quasigroups and Related Systems