On IG-quasigroups. Vladimir Izbash, Olga Izbash., ROMAI JOURNAL, Volume 17, no. 2, (2021).
Algebraic representation of generalized boolean algebras. Kuznetsov E., Izbash V., Izbash, O. Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics MFOI2018, July 2-6, 2018, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
About model completeness in the provability-intuitionistic logic and its extensions. Izbash O. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Mathematical Society of Moldova CMSM4’2017, June 28-July 2, 2017, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
Matematică discretă. Cucu, I., Izbaş, O. Univ. Acad. de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. – Chişinău, 2016, 88 p. ISBN 978-9975-933-98-8.
On absence of finite approximation relative to model completeness in the propositional provability logic. Izbash O.; Rusu A. Proceedings on the The Third Conference of the Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova, dedicated to the 50-th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, IMCS-50, Chişinău, August 19-23, 2014. ISBN 978-9975-68-244-2.
Applying of predicates for settlement of model completeness in the 3-valued extension of provability-intuitionistic logic. Izbash O. Proceedings of The 37th Anual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA). The university of Euopean Political and Economic Studies „Constantin Stere”, June 04-09, 2013: Presses internationales Polytechnique, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Proceedings.-Chişinău. 2013, ISBN Number: 978-2-553-01662-2.
Non-existence of finite approximation relative to model-completeness in the provability-intuitionistic logic. Izbaş O. In: The 35th Annual Congress, American Ramanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA), July 6th-11rd, Timişoara, Ramania, 2010, Proceedings. Sci. Ed.: Ionel I., Fleşer T., Vetreş I. – Presses Internationales Polytechnique, Montréal, Québec, 2011, p. 298-300, ISBN: 978-2-553-01596-0.
On non-tabular m-precomplete classes of formulas in the propositional provability logic. Izbaş O., Rusu A. Analele Şt. ale Universităţii "Ovidius", seria Matematică, v. XIV (2006) fascicola 1, pp. 91 – 98.
A criterion of model completeness for the closed classes of 3-valued logic. Covalgiu O. Buletinul Şt. al Univ. "Politehnica", Timişoara, t. 43, nr. 1, 1998.
On the existence of a criterion of model completeness for the closed classes of 3-valued functions. Covalgiu O., Ratsa M. Buletinul AŞ a RM, Matematica, nr. 3, 1997, p. 101-104.
Моделирование самодвойственных и перестановочных с 1 булевых функций в 3-значном расширении доказуемостно-интуиционистской логики. Ковалжиу О. И., Раца М. Ф. Изв. АН РМ. Математика, Кишинев: Штиинца, 1993, №2, с. 72-78.
Моделирование классической логики в 3-значном расширении доказуемостно-интуиционистской логики. Ковалжиу О. И. Изв. АН ССРМ. Математика, Кишинев: Штиинца, 1990, №2, с. 9-15.
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Societatea Matematică din Republica Moldova (SMRM).
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Publicaţii în Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica şi Quasigroups and Related Systems