Titluri: | doctor | Postul: | cercetător ştiinţific |
Data naşterii: | 21 iulie 1983 | Lucrări: | 31 | Limbi străine: | Rusa, Engleza | Telefon: | 73-89-87 | Email: | |
Domeniul de cercetare
Optimizare discretă, teoria jocurilor, teoria grafurilor
Lucrări importante
- Optimal flows in dynamic networks and algorithms for their finding.
M. Fonoberova, PhD thesis, Chisinau, Moldova, 2007 - Minimum Cost Multicommodity Flows in Dynamic Networks and Algorithms for their Finding.
M. Fonoberova, D. Lozovanu, The Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Mathematics. No.1(53), 2007. – pp. 107-119 - A Linear Parametrical Programming Approach for Studying and Solving Bilinear Programming Problem.
D. Lozovanu, M. Fonoberova, The Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Mathematics. No.3(52), 2006. – pp. 73-87 - Optimal Flows in Dynamic Networks.
D. Lozovanu, M. Fonoberova, Monograph. Chisinau, CEP USM, 2006. 133 pp. - Optimal Dynamic Multicommodity Flows in Networks.
D. Lozovanu, M. Fonoberova, CTW06 Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Lambrecht, Germany, 2006. – pp. 73-79, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, No. 25, 2006. – pp. 93–100 - On determining the minimum cost flows in dynamic networks.
M. Fonoberova, The Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Mathematics. No.1(50), 2006 - pp. 11-17 - Game-Theoretic Approach for Solving Multiobjective Flow Problems on Networks.
M. Fonoberova, D. Lozovanu, Computer Science Journal of Moldova. Vol.14, No.2(38), 2005. - pp. 168-176 - The minimum cost multicommodity flow problem in dynamic networks and an algorithm for its solving.
M. Fonoberova, D. Lozovanu, Computer Science Journal of Moldova. Vol.13, No.1(37), 2005. - pp. 25 -36 - Optimal multicommodity flows in dynamic networks and algorithms for their finding.
M. Fonoberova, D. Lozovanu, The Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Mathematics. No.1(47), 2005. - pp. 19-34 - The maximum multicommodity flow problem in dynamic networks and the algorithm for its solving.
M. Fonoberova, The Scientific Annals. Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, vol.7, 2005. – pp. 25-30 - The maximum flow in dynamic networks
M. Fonoberova, D. Lozovanu, Computer Science Journal of Moldova. Vol.12, No. 3(36), 2004. – pp. 387-396 - The optimal flow in dynamic networks with nonlinear cost functions on edges
M. Fonoberova, D. Lozovanu, The Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Mathematics. No. 3 (46), 2004. – pp. 10-16
- Bursa lui Belousov, 2008.
- Bursa de Excelenţă, 2007.
- Premiu al Institutului de Matematică şi Informatică pentru tineri savanţi, 2005.
- Bursa lui Gherman, 2005.
- Bursa de Merit, 2005, 2004.
- Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Studenţească, Facultatea de Matematica şi Informatica, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova. (Diplomă de gradul I, 2005, Diplomă de gradul I, 2004, Diplomă de gradul I, 2003)
- Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Studenţească, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova. (Diplomă de gradul II, 2005, Diplomă de gradul II, 2004, Diplomă de gradul III, 2003) Bursa lui Birnstein, 2002.
- Student Eminent, 2002, 2003, 2004.
- Bursa Primariei, 2000.
- Competiţiile in Matematică, Biologia, Chimie, Limbă şi Literatură.
Participări în proiecte ştiinţifice:
- The U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) and the Moldovan Research and Development Association (MRDA), Moldovan-U.S. Bilateral Grants Program BGP-III, MOM2-3049-CS-03, July 1, 2005 – June 30, 2007. "Algorithms for Dynamic System Design and Optimization in Communication Networks".
- The U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) and the Moldovan Research and Development Association (MRDA), Moldovan Travel Fellowship Program for Young Investigators, MTFP-1019A, September 15, 2006 - May 31, 2007. "Minimum-cost Multicommodity Flows in Dynamic Networks and Minimum Saturated Graphs".
- The U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) and the Moldovan Research and Development Association (MRDA), Moldovan Travel Fellowship Program for Young Investigators Follow-On, MTFP-1019A Follow-On, October 1, 2007 - September 30, 2008. "Optimal Multicommodity Dynamic Flows in Networks and Minimum Saturated Graphs".
- Supreme Council of Science and Technological Development of Moldova, Individual Grant for Young Scientists, 07.411.13INDF, January 1, 2007 – December 31, 2008. "Optimal Multicommodity Flow Problems in Dynamic Networks and Methods for their Solving".
- Supreme Council of Science and Technological Development of Moldova, Project in the Framework of the State Program, January 1, 2007 – December 31, 2008. "The increase of role and efficiency of state investments for the growth of steady economics".
Publicaţii în Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica şi Quasigroups and Related Systems