
Achiziţie bibliotecară

Biblioteca Institutului de Matematică şi Informatică a primit:
  1. Revue Roumaine de mathematiques puzes et appliquees. Tome LIII N2-3 2008, Romania,
  2. Discussiones Mathematicae, Poland:
    • Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimisation vol. 27, N1-2, 2007,
    • Probability and Statistics, vol. N1-2, 2007, vol. 28, N1, 2008,
    • General algebra and applications, vol. 27, N2, 2007, vol. 28, N1, 2008,
    • Graph Theory, vol. 27, N1, N3, 2007, vol. 28, N1-2, 2008.