Call for papers / Topics

Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to the following areas:

  1. Theoretical Computer Science;
  2. Formal Models of Computing;
  3. Information Technologies Applications in Knowledge-Based Society;
  4. Decision Support Systems;
  5. Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems;
  6. Knowledge Engineering and Management;
  7. Image Processing;
  8. Medical & Diagnostic Systems;
  9. Natural Language Processing;
  10. Human-Centered Computing;
  11. Intelligent User Interfaces.

Participants are invited to submit high quality papers reporting on original research, scientific results and experiences addressing the outlined topics.

Papers (4-8 pages) should be written in English and sent to the Organizing Committee via email until November 1, 2020. Accepted papers will be published in the Workshop Proceedings for the opening of the workshop and posted on the WIIS2020 site. See format instructions in WIIS 2020 paper template in LaTex format and doc format.

  1. Workshop Proceedings (which will be distributed at the Workshop opening and posted on the WIIS2020 site)
  2. Selected papers in extended format will be included into a Special Issue of Computer Science Journal of Moldova (CSJM, ISSN 1561-4042, indexed in Web of Science Clarivate Analytics - Emerging Sources Citation Index, SCOPUS, MathSciNet, DBLP, EBSCO etc.). Requirements for papers publication in CSJM are also available at