
Instructions for Authors

The Computer Science Journal of Moldova (CSJM) is issued three times a year by the Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of Moldova, Moldova State University.

The journal publishes articles and short communications on Theory of Software, Theory of Data, Theory of Computing, Computing Methodologies and Applications, Discrete Mathematics (concerning Computer Science), Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms in Computer Science, and related topics.

Survey papers are published at the invitation of the editorial board only. Reviews of new monographs, abstracts of dissertations, and chronicles of scientific events can also be subjects for publication. Articles must contain new, original results in the areas listed above. Papers that only describe applications of existing methods to solve a specific problem are not accepted. Due to the increased demand for publication in our journal, to allow more authors to publish, the papers of the same author will be published no more often than once a year. This restriction is applied to co-authored papers too.

Authors must ensure that the list of authors' names and their order is correct before sending the manuscript to the editor. Changes to the list and/or order of authors' names after the article is submitted are a violation of ethical standards. An attempt of the author(s) to make such changes at any stage of the article's processing by the editors is completely excluded; the consequence of this is immediate rejection of the work.

Authors must adhere to the ethical rules of the journal as well as international standards set for academic publications. In particular, they must mention in the article if they have used artificial intelligence in its development with the exact specifications of the services it provides.

Papers are submitted in English only.

All information in the paper (including cited references) should be written in the Roman alphabet.

The journal is computer-typeset. We require texts in the form of electronic manuscripts in LaTeX (source .tex file) and the respective variant in .pdf format generated from the source .tex-file. If some specific styles are used for your paper layout, please give the respective .sty files together with the main .tex file containing the paper text. Figures should be in .eps, .png, or .jpg formats. Dimensions of figures and tables should fit the printable area of CSJM: textheight=182mm, textwidth=118mm. Keep the formulae and equations (algorithms descriptions, program texts, etc.) in the text do not give overfulls: break them in proper places to fit the text width. To keep these conditions, use csjmol.sty and CSJM template (the link for its download is provided at the end of this instruction). Papers presented in other styles and formats are not accepted for consideration by the CSJM Editorial board.

The authors are fully responsible for the content, presentation, and global typesetting aspects of the text, figures, tables, and all the attached materials. The length of your manuscript should not be more than 25 pages in CSJM format.

The manuscript should contain the following information: fully descriptive title, author’s name/authors’ names, abstract, keywords, the codes for MSC2020 (Mathematics Subject Classification 2020), the main body of the paper including tables and figures, appendices, complete English Language bibliographic information for all cited references, full information about affiliation and address (postal and e-mail) for each co-author (at the end of the paper). It is also recommended to provide information on the funding source which supports the presented research.

When writing the author’s name/authors’ names, keep the Western name order:

First Name of the first author Second Name of the first author, First Name of the second author Second Name of the second author, etc.

E.g., William Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, Abraham Lincoln, etc.

The full first names are preferable but you can also use initials, keeping the Western name order.

E.g., W. Shakespeare, E. Hemingway, A. Lincoln, etc.

When you prepare the references list for your paper, please use the IEEE style described in IEEE REFERENCE GUIDE. The Editorial Board of CSJM (Ed.CSJM) recommends the authors use the document with some additions, made by the CSJM Editorial board, formulated in Referencing_in_CSJM.docx. In the document, these additions are marked by "(Ed.CSJM)".

The main recommendation concerns the request to provide more detailed information about references if possible.

NOTE (Ed. CSJM): Standard abbreviations for Titles of Periodicals or Publishing Houses are accepted, but full titles are preferred. Relevant information may include Title of the Series for books (if exists), Volume of the Series for books (if exists), ISSN, ISBN, Publisher for books, number of pages for books, page numbers for journal articles, articles in conference proceedings, and chapters in books, DOI, ArXive (or other types of electronic links).

Please, write in comments before each item of the bibliography, which category it refers to: Periodicals, Books, Chapters in books, Book series, Reports, Handbooks, Published Conference Proceedings, Theses (B.S., M.S.) and Dissertations (Ph.D.), Standards, On-Line Sources (Books, Monographs, Periodicals, Papers Presented at Conferences, Reports and Handbooks, Government Documents, Patents, Manuals/Software), etc.

If some reference is originally published in a language other than English, please provide additional titles (of articles, journals, and books) in the original language and write the language in round brackets. Examples are provided in the CSJM template in respective subsections. Information in the original language will not appear in CSJM (in .tex-file it should be commented). It is needed for metadata which the CSJM Editorial board should provide to international DBs where the journal CSJM is indexed or abstracted.

You can use the BibTeX system to manage your bibliography. In such case, you should take IEEE style (use IEEEtran.bst in your LaTeX files).

Download CSJM template: CSJM_template.tex, csjmol.sty, IEEEtran.bst,, Referencing_in_CSJM.docx. The journal has no charges for article submission and processing.

Submit your manuscript to CSJM using the following address: .

N.B. Manuscripts prepared in Word are not accepted for consideration. Also, if your manuscript is prepared not in the CSJM journal format (not in LaTeX and not using the CSJM template), it is not accepted for consideration by the CSJM Editorial board.

The computer-readable texts should be sent to:
Dr. G. Magariu
Vladimir Andrunakievich Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science,
5, Academiei street, Chisinau, MD 2028, Republic of Moldova
Phone: (373 22) 73–81–10