
Seminar ştiinţific

Vineri, 13 noiembrie 2015, ora 10:00 în Sala de Conferinţe (of. 340) IMI va avea loc seminar dedicat memoriei prof. Iu. Rogojin.

Ordinea de zi:

Sergiu Ivanov (teleconferință) "Some results on Leftist Insertion-deletion Systems"

Artiom Alhazov "Developments in P Systems with Antimatter"

Vladimir Rogojin "Large-scale executable biology using rapid integration of computational models"

Lyudmila Burtseva "Advantages of application of P system based algorithms to processing of noisy medical images"

Svetlana Cojocaru, Constantin Ciubotaru, Alexandru Colesnicov, Valentina Demidova, Ludmila Malahov "Regeneration of cultural heritage: problems related to moldavian cyrillic alphabet"