
Programul şedinţei speciale a seminarului ştiinţific consacrate prof. Valentin Belousov

Vineri, pe data de 20 februarie 2015, ora 14:00, Sala de Conferinţe (of. 340) IMI, va avea loc şedinţa specială a seminarului ştiinţific consacrată prof. Valentin Belousov.

Moderator: academician M. Ciobanu.

14:00-14:10 Cuvânt introductiv: S. Cojocaru.
14:10-14:20 V. I. Izbaş. Laboratorul "Algebra şi Topologie" în ultimii ani.
14:20-14:30 G. Beleavscaia, V. Cebanu. Prezentarea websitului lui V. D. Belousov.
14:30-14:50 I. I. Valuţă. Rolul algebrei şi teoriei informaţiei în istoria matematicii.
14:50-15:05 I. A. Floria, N. N. Didurik (Croitoru). Quasigroups with Hosszu identity.
15:05-15:20 G. Belyavskaya. Methods of construction of systems of SOS {PDF).
15:20-15:35 T. Popovich. On incomplete sets of orthogonal parastrophes {PDF).
15:35-15:55 I. S. Guţul. On the completion of Gieseking manyfolds.
Coffee break (15 min.)
16:10-16:30 V. I. Ursu. Identities in the class of 2-nilpotent A-loops. Examples and problems.
16:30-16:45 V. I. Izbas. On conjugate operations.
16:45-17:00 D. Ceban, P. Syrbu. On quasigroups with some minimal identities.
17:00-17:15 I. Larionova-Cojocaru, P. Syrbu. The recursive differentiability and cores of quasigroups.
17:15-17:30 I. Grecu, P. Syrbu. The action of multiplication groups in the isostrophic quasigroups.
17:30-17:45 E. Kuznetsov. On semidirect product of permutation loop and suitable subgroup.
17:45-17:55 V. Shcherbacov. On 2-transversals in quasigro-ups.
17:55-18:20 Diverse.