Biblioteca IMI a fost completată cu un nou lot de cărţi de valoare, donate de familia Curteanu.
- Maurice Denis-Papin, Yves Malgrange. Exerciţii de calcul boolean cu soluţiile lor. Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 1970;
- I. Creangă, C. Reischer, D. Simovici. Introducere algebrică în informatică. Teoria automatelor. Editura Junimea, Iaşi, 1973;
- C. Cazacu, M. Cazacu. Algoritmi şi metode de programare. Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza" Iaşi, Facultatea de Matematică, Pentru uzul studenţilor, 1980;
- Gheorghe Păun. Gramatici contextuale. Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Române, Bucureşti, 1982;
- Cristian Calude. Complexitatea calculului. Aspecte calitative. Editura ştiinţifică şi enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1982;
- Teodor Rus. Mecanisme formale pentru specificarea limbajelor. Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, Bucureşti, 1983;
- Dumitru Irimia. Structura Gramaticală a Limbii Române. Sintaxa. Editura Junimea, Iaşi, 1983;
- Luca-Dan Şerbănaţ. Limbaje de programare şi compilatoare. Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, Bucureşti, 1987;
- Seppo Sippu, Eljas Soisalon-Soininen. Parsing Theory. EATC, Monographs on Theoretical Computer Science, Editors: W. Brauer, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, Vol. I: Languages and Parsing, Springer-Verlang, 1988;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 17, Number 1, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, March, 1991;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 17, Number 2, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, June, 1991;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 17, Number 3, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, September, 1991;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 17, Number 4, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, December, 1991;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 18, Number 1, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, March, 1992;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 18, Number 2, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, June, 1992;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 18, Number 3, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, September, 1992;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 18, Number 4, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, December, 1992;
- Martha Evens. Association for Computational Linguistics. Directory of Graduate Programs in Computational Linguistics. Third Edition, Published by the Association for Computational Linguistics, December, 1992;
- Wilhelm-Maurer, Übersetzerbau. Theorie, Konstruktion, Generierung, Springer-Lehrbuch, 1992;
- Bonnie J. Dorr. Association for Computational Linguistics. Survey of Computational Linguistics Courses. Second Edition, Published by the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1994;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 21, Number 3, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, September, 1995;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 21, Number 4, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, December, 1995;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 22, Number 1, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, March, 1996;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 22, Number 3, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, September, 1996;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 22, Number 4, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, December, 1996;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 24, Number 1, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, March, 1998;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 24, Number 2, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, June, 1998;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 24, Number 3, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, September, 1998;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 24, Number 4, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, December, 1998;
- Steven S. Skiena. The algorithm design manual. Springer, 1998;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 25, Number 1, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, March, 1999;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 25, Number 2, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, June, 1999;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 25, Number 3, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, September, 1999;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 25, Number 4, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, December, 1999;
- Albert Endres, Dieter W. Fellner. Digitale Bibliotheken. Informatik-Lösungen für globale Wissensmärkte. dpunkt.verlang, 2000;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 26, Number 1, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, March, 2000;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 26, Number 2, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, June, 2000;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 26, Number 3, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, September, 2000;
- Computational Linguistics. Volume 26, Number 4, Published Quarterly by the MIT Press for the Association for Computational Linguistics, December, 2000;
- Dan Tufiş, Florin Gh. Filip. Limba Română în Societatea Informaţională-Societatea Cunoaşterii. Academia Română, Secţia de Ştiinţa şi Tehnologia Informaţiei, Institutul de Cercetări pentru Inteligenţă Artificială, Bucureşti, 2002;
- Geert-Jan M. Kruijff, Richard T. Oehrle. Resource-Sensitivity, Binding and Anaphora. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003;
- Dan Tufiş. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology. Special Issue on the Balkanet Project, Vol. 7, Numbers 1-2, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 2004, ISSN: 1453-8245.
- Václav Matoušek, Pavel Mautner. Text, Speech and Dialogue. 10th International Conference, TSD 2007, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Sweptember 3-7, 2007, Proceedings. LNAI 4629, Springer, 2007;
- Ioan Oprea. Elemente de Filozofia Limbii. Colecţia Academică 23, Seria Linguistică, Institutul European, 2007;
- Alexander Gelbukh. Advances in Natural Language Processing and Applications. Research in Computing Science, Vol. 33, Instituto politécnico Nacional, Centro de Investigación en Computación, México 2007;
- Cătălina Mărănduc. Familia de cuvinte. LUCMAN, 2008;
- Václav Matoušek, Pavel Mautner. Text, Speech and Dialogue. 12th International Conference, TSD 2009, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Sweptember 13-17, 2009, Proceedings. LNAI 5729, Springer, 2009;
- Alexander Gelbukh. Special issue: Natural Language Processing and its Applications. Research in Computing Science, Vol. 46, Instituto politécnico Nacional, Centro de Investigación en Computación, México, 2010;
- Rainer E. Gruhn, Wolfgang Minker, Satoshi Nakamura. Statistical Pronunciation Modeling for Non-Native Speech Processing. Springer, 2011.