
Programul şedinţei speciale a seminarului ştiinţific consacrate prof. Valentin Belousov

Vineri, pe data de 24 februarie 2012, ora 14:30, Sala de Conferinţe (of. 340) IMI, va avea loc şedinţa specială a seminarului ştiinţific consacrată prof. Valentin Belousov.

Moderator: academician M. Ciobanu

14:30-14:40 Cuvânt introductiv: G. Beliavscaia.
14:40-14:55 N. Cazacu. Unele date de arhive despre elevul Valentin Belousov.
14:55-15:10 I. I. Valuţă. Referitor la unele punctele cruciale în istoria matematicii.
15:10-15:25 F. M. Sokhatsky (Ukraine). Classification of parastrophic distributivity indentities on loops.
15:25-15:40 H. V. Krainichuk (Ukraine). Classification of functional equations of the type (4;2).
15:40-15:55 V. Ursu. Bucle Mufang resolubile finit separabile.
15:55-16:15 N. Sandu. Moufang loops and alternative algebras.

Coffee break (15 min.)

16:30-16:45 M. N. Popa, V. V. Pricop. Aplicaţiile algebrelor la o problema din teoria invarianţilor sistemelor diferenţiale.
16:45-17:00 G. Belyavskaya. Recursively r-differentiable qua-sigroups in S-systems.
17:00-17:15 V. Izbash. On the orthoganal groupoids.
17:15-17:30 P. Syrbu. On middle Bol loops as isostrophes of right (left) Bol loops.
17:30-17:45 I. Grecu. On the Moufang part of middle Bol loops.
17:45-17:55 Dina Ceban. On self-orthogonal n-quasigroups which type is the cyclic group.
17:55-18:10 A. Covalschi. Upper and lower central series in Moufang loops and A-loops.
18:10-18:25 N. Lupascu. Automorphism groups of commu-tative Moufang loops.
18:25-18:40 A. Turcanu. Obiecte libere.
18:40-18:50 V. Shcherbacov. Quasigroup based crypto-algorithms.
18:50-19:10 Diverse.