Biblioteca Institutului de Matematică şi Informatică a primit:
- Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk, Piotr Doerffer, Jaroslaw Rybicki, Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk Task, Vol.14, N 1-2, January-April 2010;
- Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk, Piotr Doerffer, Jaroslaw Rybicki, Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk Task, Vol.14, N 3, July 2010;
- Tendinţe în Economia Moldovei, IEFSN, N1 (trim.1), 2011;
- International Journal of applied mathematics and computer science, Gryegorz J. NALEPA, Antoni LIGEZA, Vol. 21, N 1, 2011.