Call for papers / Topics

       The Conference encompasses a broad spectrum of Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Computer Science related subjects. It is dedicated to the discussion of current research and applications regarding the development, implementation, and promotion of methods, models, new approaches, advanced emergent information systems, and technologies. We will be happy if you will present the latest results of your research activity.

        Papers (4 pages) should be written in English and sent to the Organizing Committee via email until August 01, 2024. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. See format instructions in IMCS-60 paper template in LaTex format. The authors are kindly asked to submit also the paper in .pdf format.

        All the accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference.

       The selected papers will be also published after the conference in the CSJM ("Computer Science Journal of Moldova". – indexed in Mathematical Reviews, WoS, Scopus, Zentralblatt MATH, MathSciNet, DBLP, DOAJ, EBSCO) or in the Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, ser. Mathematics (indexed in Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt MATH, Scopus, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), Russian RZh Matematika).