
Computer Science Journal of Moldova
(ISSN 1561-4042, E-ISSN 2587-4330, DOI prefix:

The "Computer Science Journal of Moldova" (CSJM) has been published since 1993. It is a single-blind peer-reviewed international journal. The Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of Moldova, Moldova State University, is the publisher for CSJM (holder of publisher rights).

The journal’s issues are published regularly three times a year: in April, August, and December.

Aims and Scope. We aim to bring important research work in the Computer Science domain to a wide international audience.

Fields of research. The journal publishes original research articles on Theory of Software, Theory of Data, Theory of Computing, Computing Methodologies and Applications, Discrete Mathematics (concerning Computer Science), Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms in Computer Science, and related topics. Reviews of new monographs, abstracts of dissertations, and chronicles of scientific events are also published. Survey papers are published at the invitation of the editorial board only.

Submission. Papers are submitted taking into consideration that the subject matter has not been previously published and is not being submitted elsewhere.

The subject of research in the submitted article should correspond to the subject of the journal (see above).

The submitted papers should be presented to the Editorial Board in the form according to the requirements of the journal (see Instructions for Authors).

If the submitted article meets all the requirements of the journal, it is considered "accepted for consideration". In this case, the authors are notified about this, and the Editorial Board asks them to send a "Copyright Transfer Form" (CTF) where all the co-authors are indicated and which is signed by all co-authors. After receiving the signed CTF, the manuscript is sent to reviewers for analysis.

In order to provide access to the publication of articles in CSJM for more authors, two or more articles of the same (co-)author are not accepted for consideration at the same time and are not published within one year.

We also do not publish articles by the same author in the same issue (even if they are with different co-authors).

Plagiarism in Manuscripts. Submitted manuscripts that are found to contain plagiarized text are rejected. Manuscripts are verified using plagiarism detection software to find out the overlaps. CSJM allows an overall similarity of 10% for a manuscript to be considered for publication. The articles with greater similarity are considered as plagiarism and rejected. Any article of such (co-)authors will be rejected in the future.

Using of Artificial Intelligence. Authors must mention in the article (Methodology or Acknowledgement sections) whether they used artificial intelligence in its development (for example, in data analysis, image generation or processing, etc.) with the exact specifications of the services they used. The use of AI for generating the text of the paper or a part of it is not allowed. When employing AI tools, it is necessary to respect the principles of ethical and transparent use. Detailed information regarding the use of artificial intelligence (tools, version, prompts, etc., depending on the case) should be indicated in a cover letter. Authors can use AI tools (machine translation, spelling, and grammar checking) aimed at improving the readability of the text, declaring this in the cover letter only. At the same time, the authors, bearing full responsibility for the presented text, are obliged to check and edit the paper after processing it with the aforementioned AI tools.

Copyrights. The "Computer Science Journal of Moldova" retains the copyright to the published works. The main condition for the submitted manuscript publication is that the article must contain new, original results and it has not been published anywhere and will not be simultaneously submitted elsewhere. After obtaining the signed CTF, the "Computer Science Journal of Moldova" becomes the copyright holder of the submitted manuscript.

All manuscripts go through a two-step review process:

  1. Internal Review. Each manuscript is evaluated by the Editorial Board (as a preliminary condition of acceptance) for the purpose of meeting the basic requirements of the journal, that it is of sufficient quality to merit external review, and is free of attempts of plagiarism. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements are not sent out for further review.
  2. External Review. Submissions that meet the basic requirements are then sent out for single-blind peer review by experts in the field. Following the external review, the authors are sent copies of the external reviewers’ comments and are notified of the decision (accept as is, accept pending changes, revise and resubmit, or reject).

The language of publication is English. Publication of papers is free of charge.

Authors are strongly recommended to have their manuscripts proofread by an editor familiar with English academic prose. Both American and British English spelling conventions are acceptable. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all references and citations.

Computer Science Journal of Moldova is fully  

The "Computer Science Journal of Moldova" is an Open Access journal, indexed in SCOPUS, Web of Science, EBSCO, Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt MATH, DOAJ, as well as in other Databases, journal indexing and abstracting services.

The "Computer Science Journal of Moldova" is a non-profit and non-commercial scientific journal, which publishes open access articles under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY-NC-SA) License that permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium so long as the original work is properly cited.

Creative Commons License
Computer Science Journal of Moldova is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

© Computer Science Journal of Moldova

If you have some questions for the CSJM Editorial Board or want to submit a prepared properly, according to the CSJM requirements, manuscript (see the page with Instructions for authors), please use the following e-mail address: